Pocahontas: Bold & Brave

Hello, my name is Katelyn. I like to sing, worship, write and speak. I feel so honored to share on my best friends’ blog! This ministry is such a needed reminder to us women of our value, destiny, and beauty in the Lord, and I am so excited to write to you all!

 I also have a soft spot for fairy tales and princesses, so let me tell you about one of the bravest in all of history. 
She was independent, beautiful, playful, and extremely curious. Did anyone else feel swept away when they watched this exotic princess sing "Colors of the Wind" with her long black strands blowing perfectly in the breeze? I certainly did!

This lovely, indigenous heroine was captured from history and put on a platform for fairy tale audiences to marvel over. However, Disney's glamorously painted picture of her life was not exactly the case. Her life was not at all glamorous or flashy. The legacy she obtains today is not something that was rehearsed for a moving story and for screen writers to embellish. Instead, this young Native American girl probably felt as though she was hidden - hidden amongst her tribe, a sea trees, and nature that kept her company. Let's take a step back in history and get a little reality check...

Pocahontas was the daughter of chief Powhatan. She was born during a pivotal point in history when the British started setting up new colonies on American soil. As we all know, this wasn't the most peaceful transition between these two cultures and distinctive worlds. As if that wasn’t hard enough, her family members were the fiercest of warriors always craving to fight.

In fact, Pocahontas' brother captured the British captain, John Smith, and their tribe was planning to execute him brutally. But, Pocahontas’ ties to her family did not shake her drive for justice and peace. Just as the captain
 was about to be killed, Her bravery rose up within her, and she flung her tender head over his in order to plead for his life. Take note that she was only 14! What an epic, beautiful picture of sacrifice and mercy. 

What we have to know about this bold lady is that she was called her Father's favorite. Her gentle feminine essence and simply being her daddy's only girl, gave her favor and softened his combatant heart. This relationship and her Father’s compassion that not only saved the life of John Smith, but also the lives of 
those from a distant world. 

After this astonishing rescue, the tribe adopted John Smith to be one of their own and considered him as a fellow son of the chief. The colonies even started receiving help and supplies from this tribe, and in so doing, spared even more lives - all because Chief Powhatan had a special place in his heart for his beloved daughter.

But it wasn't the way she could fight or keep up with her fierce brothers 
that kept the land from complete chaos. It was the way she loved and understood others. She was not trying to outshine her tribal leaders with a masculine courage, but the essence of her gentle bravery in a womanly manner was what brought about peace when it was needed.

The story continues with more up and downs, but this once hidden princess with her humble lifestyle would soon experience a love story of her own with a Christian man who introduced her to a new adventure - a consuming rebirth found in Jesus. Yes, our Pocahontas became a believer and sailed with her husband, John Rolfe, to England where she would be baptized and renamed "Rebecca." She even found favor in the sight of the King and Queen!

Maybe you are wondering how this timeless tale can relate to you and I. Well, it has more to do with you than you think. If there is anything I want you to take away from reading this blog, it is that God has a much bigger destiny for you than you could ever imagine for yourself (Ephesians 3:20). Your realm of leadership and influence is broader than you think. Those simple acts of kindness, those constant steady prayers, those times when you smile in the face of discouragement, go much farther than one can see. Your Heavenly Father remembers each one, and sees the lovely fruit that is coming of it. You are His most treasured possession.

Sisters, know that you do not have to promote yourself nor hide yourself away. You are covered with the favor and grace of God simply because you are His. You don't have to fight like a boy, be afraid of being forgotten, or feel unqualified. Do not ever let the enemy tell you that your presence is not needed or that your life is not leaving a vital mark for the Kingdom of God.

God has said that you are perfect. You are spoken for. You are His beloved. You are more than enough. So in the seasons of doubts and feeling unnoticed, trust that your Heavenly Prince is in active pursuit. He can't get you off His mind and He is weaving together a stunning plan for your life. Let Him unveil you. Let Him promote you in due time. His story for you is much more thrilling and fullfilling than you would dare to think possible. 

Your gifts and your voice are chosen for such a time as this, so use it! Let your light shine and do not grow weary in being devoted to the One who has redeemed you. Get excited for the impossible to happen through you!

Love you ladies!


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