Like a Lady: Health and Fitness

Over the past year, I have started to take my health and fitness a bit more seriously. When I was in high school, I was in great shape (so many of us can say that...) I played field hockey and softball, and I had a generally active lifestyle. When I graduated and spent a year living the college dorm life, I quickly got out of shape. I could not run as long or as fast as I could in high school, and I had lost a lot of the overall tone and agility I had at 17 and 18 years old. 
I recently decided I wanted to live that active, healthy life again. In November I ran my first half marathon, and this month I completed the two-month exercise program Insanity. A passion for health and fitness has been developing in me, because I want everyone to feel the way I do after I make fitness accomplishments! It’s a truly amazing feeling when your body grows stronger and faster, and when you push yourself to the limit. 
Something I have kept at the forefront of my mind on this health and fitness journey is that it’s all about treating your body right. You’ve probably heard it said that “if you love your body, it will love you back.” That is 100% true. When we love our bodies with regular exercise, whole foods that give us the fuel we need, and adequate amounts of rest, our bodies will respond well and we will feel strong! Though our culture will tell you otherwise, fitness is not about being skinny. Health and fitness is truly all about being strong and glorifying God by taking care of these bodies He has given us. 
With that being said, here are a few ways us ladies can prioritize health and fitness in our busy lives!

1.Baby Steps.
The fastest way to get discouraged and fail is to set your fitness goals too high. If you have not exercised in a very long time, don’t start off by going to a high-impact spin class or running 5 miles. Take small steps. The important thing is to just get moving. Start off by taking long afternoon walks instead of watching that hour of TV. Do this regularly, then moving to jogging, and then running. This goes for nutrition, too. It’s a lot easier to transition to a healthier diet if you start by slowly substituting better options for your not-so-healthy ones, rather than quitting cold turkey from all of your favorite foods. 

In our busy lives, I know that our health can sometimes be put on the back-burner. It’s important to get out of this mindset. Start by making it a point to put some kind of physical activity into your daily routine. Make it a habit, and soon you will be doing it naturally. I definitely know the feeling of coming home from work or class exhausted, and the last thing I want to do is workout. However, on those days I like to think of my workout as my “me time.” I use my workout to unwind, clear my mind, and sometimes pray. I always end up being so glad I did it. I’ve never regretted spending some time to invest in my health! Here are some workout’s I love that are ideal for those busy days:

Yoga with Adriene is super relaxing. She has a nice voice, but I like to put on some soft music during my workout, it helps me focus. Don’t be fooled-this may be relaxing, but it is not easy! This yoga session is low-impact, but focuses on strengthening the core. You will feel it in your abs!

This is from the Insanity exercise program. It’s one of my favorite cardio sequences to do on a busy day. It’s only 35 minutes long, and leaves me feeling like I was able to squeeze in a great workout!

3. Balance
Keep in mind that living a healthy, active lifestyle is not about depriving yourself from foods you love or beating yourself up when you don’t fit your work out in. You will have those days when life hits, but part of living a healthy lifestyle is loving yourself through those times and having the strength to get back up and try again. Remember that there is nothing wrong with treating yourself, too! In fact, you should reward yourself for working hard! So have that extra cookie and don’t punish your body for it. 

The key to this is balance and moderation. A good rule of thumb to follow is the 80/20 rule. Try to make 80% of your diet food that have high nutritional value: fruits and veggies, proteins, and complex carbs (whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, or quinoa, to name a few.) The remaining 20% of your diet can be more indulgent foods that you love. I love this principle because it’s all about building a lifestyle and not a diet.   After all, if you’re going to workout so hard, you should be able to enjoy yummy treats, too! :) 

Once I started using the 80/20 rule in my life, it made me want to eat healthier. I realized that my body is actually craving the nutritious foods I was giving it. Because I’ve made having a healthier diet a part of my lifestyle, when I do splurge on a “treat meal” I definitely notice and can’t wait to go back to my healthy foods. I know this sounds like a stretch, but trust me. You will get so used feeling the energy that your healthy meals supply along with your workouts, you’ll never want to go back!

“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” -1 Corinthians 6:20

Let’s treat our bodies like the temples that they are, ladies. You're worth it!

All for His Royal Kingdom,


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